Invasion Radio TV

Haiti ranks 99th for press freedom in the world

Haiti ranks 99th in the world for press freedom, according to a study published Wednesday, May 3, 2023 by Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day.

The NGO Reporters Without Borders unveiled, this Wednesday, May 3, its 2023 ranking of press freedom in the world. It shows that the conditions for practicing journalism are poor in seven out of ten countries. Haiti drops from 70th to 99th place.

The ranking established each year by RSF compares the degree of freedom enjoyed by journalists and the media in 180 countries and is based on five indicators: political context, legal framework, economic context, socio-cultural context and security.

Haiti has fallen 29 places this year with 57.38 points, although RSF considers that journalists working in Haiti are victims of a cruel lack of financial resources, the absence of support from institutions and access hard to find information.

The NGO also indicates that for the past two years, Haitian journalists have also been the target of gangs, victims of kidnapping or murdered with complete impunity.

Norway retains, for the seventh consecutive year, the top of the ranking, followed by Ireland (2nd) and Denmark (3rd). The bottom of the ranking is occupied by Vietnam (178th), China (179th) and North Korea (180th).


Invasion Radio TV est un média mondial dont l’objectif principal est de relayer l’actu 100% positive à Haïti et à l’étranger. Pour nous contacter, veuillez nous écrire à l’adresse suivante : Appelez ou écrivez nous par whatsapp au : +509 3738 6742 ou +1516881 6623

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