Invasion Radio TV

The House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee is against sending the military to Haiti

Foreign Affairs MPs in the House of Commons urge the Government of Canada not to send troops to fight gangs in Haiti. He advocates tougher penalties for the political and economic elite who support gangs.

The members of the committee ask the Canadian authorities to make it clear that their soldiers will not take part in any direct intervention in Haiti. This is a denial of Prime Minister Ariel Henry’s request.

The deputies are of the opinion that the Government of Canada must redouble its humanitarian, economic and political efforts, and its support for justice and security in Haiti, according to Canadian media.

They encourage Canada to continue to support the Haitian National Police so that it can effectively fight against armed gangs.

Members want a long-term strategy with predictable funds and specific results.

“According to them, these results should include the provision of recreational activities for children to learn and play, because gangs force schools to close and recruit what some MPs call child soldiers. »


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